Saturday 11 February 2017

Beauty Care - 45,000 ways to become more beautiful

Everyone has experienced some beauty care or cosmetic challenge at some time or the other. We all go through that phase in life where we feel like nothing is working. As a teenager I felt that I had the worst facial skin ever. I was plagued by acne, spots and pimples. Nothing I tried seemed to work. It wasn't long before I gave up hope and decided to accept my condition as 'God's will'.

 I can laugh about it now but back then it was a serious problem. But seriously, how much effort do we make when it comes to finding the right product that solves our beauty care concerns?

Beauty products expert Paula Begoun (Paula's Choice) created in 2008 a database of over 45,000 products. This only gives us an in-site into the amazing world of beauty care and the incredible number of options that are available for us to explore.
If we consider how much the average person spends on beauty care every year then it would be unfortunate not to get your money's worth in satisfaction.

Some customers complain of lack of time to search through the endless maze of beauty products. Yet, we have technology today that makes it easier to obtain information faster than every before. From the convenience of your home using a PC or android phone you can access information on any product made in almost any part of the world within seconds. 

The truth is that most of the time we barely scratch the surface in search for answers. We do not make the effort needed to get the results we are looking for. In Nigeria customers are always fixed on a particular product that has been tested tested time over time and refuse to try something new.
Another excuse is money. It takes lots of money to buy and sample products. I agree. But let’s understand that there are so many inexpensive products. These products were formulated or designed to cost less without compromise in quality or efficacy.

There is a great sense of joy and satisfaction in discovering a product that solves an important problem. When we look and feel beautiful it gives us a confidence boost that cannot be quantified in currency.

Take the time. Make the effort. 
Be beautiful.

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