Saturday 29 October 2016

Vit-Fee Skin Lightening Cream Bullet Review

What is this?
Vit - Fee Skin Lightening Cream

What will it do for your skin?
It is important to remember that not every skin care product in a tube is a topical steroid. Vit-Fee Skin lightening Cream is not a topical steroid cream. It is not in the class of Cleartone cream and Fashion Fair Cream which contain the common steroid clobetasol propionat. Much has been written about Topical steroid creams especially concerning potential health hazards as a results of long term use. You can read about that here. Instead Vit-Fee Cream is actually a hydroquinone based skin cream which means it can be a source of safe and effective lightening of skin tone. In addition it contains Glycerine and Vitamin E which are excellent for the skin. It improves skin moisture levels and fights free radicals. Free radicals are found in air borne pollutants. It can cause serious damage to your skin if preventive measures are not taken. Finally Vit-Fee contains a powerful anti-microbial agents which provides extra protection from bacteria and other microbes which cause skin infection. Vit-Fee Cream is a solid, well rounded products which numerous benefits for the skin.

Are there any concerns?
Yes. In the absence of sun protection in this product it is highly recommended that consumers avoid harsh sunlight. If necessary use it only at night. For all day use it must be used in combination with broad spectrum sunscreens of SPF30 and above.

My Rating??

The Final Word
I think Vit-Fee Cream is an excellent product with good solid testimonials from customers over the years. It is great for fast, healthy and safe skin lightening.


  1. Can i combine vit-fee with easy tone cream sp10 like put it inside the cream

  2. Does it work for acne and pimples??

  3. Can you combine Vit Fee with an SPF cream and mix it directly inside of the jar?

    No. You cannot apply sunscreen inside of the cream. It will lose its efficiency. Sunblock 10 is not enough protection from the sun when you are skin bleaching. You will get darker. You need SPF 100. And after you apply the bleaching cream, you slather on the SPF lotion. The lotion is not to be directly mixed with the cream because you will ruin its ingredients. Apply the sunblock DIRECTLY to your skin, mainly the face, after using the skin bleach.

    Does it work for acne and pimples?

    No. Vit Fee is a body cream. It is too strong and gready for the face and will cause acne and irritation. Creams in tubes that do not have strong scents, mainly creams with the ingredient clobetasol propionate and hydroquinone 2% in the tube can be applied to the face. Applying a clobetasol cream and then rubbing a hydroquinone cream 2% from the tube will lighten the face quickly without irritation. Creams in 50g tubes that have no strong smells or fragrances that you squeeze out of are for the FACE ONLY. Facial products containing salicylic acid ("Clean and Clear"), and glycolic acid 5% works on acne. All natural Dudu Osun soap from Nigeria prevents acne.

    Also, VIT FEE does have both high amounts of steroids and hydroquinone in it. It has about 10% hydroquinone bleach in it. The steroids will never be listed on African skin bleaches. Scientific research articles after the creams are tested show the amounts of hydroquinone, mercury and steroids in the creams marketed to Africans, and Vit Fee is one of the creams that have 10% HQ bleach in it plus steroids. Vit Fee bleach bleaches well, as long as you're bleaching properly and know what you're doing. Also SPF 50 or higher, up to SPF 100 has to be used when using very strong skin bleaches like these. SPF 30 will do nothing and the skin will remain darker from the sun.

    The reason why VIT FEE lightens so quickly is because it has a high amount of steroids in it. I read the research article they had in it before they took it off of the internet. You can smell the steroids in Vit Fee as soon as you open the jar! All of the Vit Fee products have steroids in it, just like a majority of the African skin bleaches on the market do. Black skin needs both steroids and a mixture of HQ bleach in order to drastically lighten several shades lighter. The lighter skin make look more "natural" from using products manufactured in Mali or Ivory Coast, where some of the darkest complexion Africans are, but it surely does not have any natural ingredients in it! If you actually read science articles where they test these articles in science labs, you would know that. You cannot blindly trust ingredient labels on products manufactured in 3rd world countries. American labels are more honest because of the FDA, and those labels still cannot be trusted completely.

  4. Sorry for the grammar. I could not re-edit. I meant greasy*, not gready, and in exchange for articles the second time in the sentence I meant *items*.

  5. I am light dark yellow Black American and Caribbean mix of West African descent from Ghana, Nigeria and Ivory Coast (great great great grandparents) and Vit Fee is an excellent skin bleach I use during the winter to obtain a lighter complexion that looks close to East Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) or lighter Hispanic. Vit Fee is very strong but it does not irritate. Vit Fee and L'Abidjanaise are the strongest and bleach the best. They both have hydroquinone and steroids in them. But bleaching with them does look "natural".

  6. Have being using VIT FEE for a long time and I love it but is out of stock now , what other facial cream can you recommend for me

  7. The vit-fee is nice but out of stock now, please what other facial cream can you recommend for me?

  8. Can I mix Carotone oil with vit veƩ

  9. Does vit-fee clear dark spots?

  10. If no, which cream would u recommend for clearing dark spots?

  11. Please I need this cream how much is it

  12. My wife have some black spot on her face

  13. Those vit-tee remove dark spot

  14. Original vit-fee is not in the market again... the fake one I bought caused me more bumbs....

  15. Please how do you know the fake one

    1. When you open it the difference is so clear
      I wonder why they keep making fake products we don’t even know what they used and it’s dangerous

  16. You did a very nice job I like your website it is very interesting and helpful for me I am really sure that you enjoyed during writing the content on your website
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  17. But on the creme is written, it conveys an even complexion, help remove dark blotches and pimples, but ur reply implies it doesn't clear pimples, what are we to believe?

  18. Why is the fake cut fee everywhere?. This fake one smells exactly like onions


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