Thursday 1 September 2016

Sugarwhite Beauty Solutions Limited

Sugarwhite Beauty Solution Limited
 Providing Beauty Care solutions to meet your needs …people, processes, products and business.

 Specialized Training
 Providing detailed and specialized consumer product training for key sales and marketing staff
 Customer care training
 We train your workforce to create the wow effect for customers and boost sales
 Personal development
 We coach individuals on advanced personal development skills for improved performance
 Workforce motivation
 We provide motivational training for groups within your organization to boost team performance

 Manufacturing & formulation
 We design & review your manufacturing processes for quality, efficiency and profitability
 Research & Development
 We conduct research and product development from formulation stage to launch date
 Design & branding
 We conceptualize & brand your product to give it the highest probability for market success
 Brand & product re-positioning
 We review your existing product line and brands to identify inherent strengths and weakness

 Business Model & Design
 We conceptualize, design & execute efficient business models for businesses & organizations
 Sales & Promotions
 We manage product sales & promotion strategies to achieve your business targets
 Market Penetration strategies
 We identify & design tools and strategies to help you penetrate the most unbreakable markets
 Business Re-engineering
 We engineer change by helping restructure & re-design your processes, products and business

To learn more email 

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