Saturday 20 August 2016

Uneven Skin Tone - The 3rd sign of aging skin

Whats the problem?
Uneven skin tone (which are signs of aging skin)

What are the causes?
- Sun damage is the number one cause of uneven skin tone (hyperpigmentation)
- Unhealthy and living and poor skin care habits
-    Using low quality beauty care products or improper use of products with harsh chemicals
-  Hormonal changes especially in women due to pregnancy, menopause or use of contraceptives
-  Hyperpigmentation as a result of skin inflammation (caused by acne breakouts or injuries to skin)

How can it be avoided?
- Avoid the sun to protect your skin. Choose products with sunscreen rating of SPF30 or above
- Maintain a good skin care routine. Remember, aging skin is better avoided than corrected.
- Use quality skin care products that contain beneficial ingredients and sunscreens
-    Live a healthy lifestyle.  Avoid smoking & heavy drinking which only accelerates the aging process.

How  can uneven skin tone be treated?
- Localized over-the-counter  treatment involves using skin lightening or spot removing creams
- Creams which contain Vitamin C very useful in mild cases of uneven skin tone
          If you have a more serious case;
-    Chemical peels with substances such as glycolic acid help minimize appearance of uneven skin tone
-    Laser peels are also an advanced form of treament which involves removing  upper layer skin cells
-    Microabrasion is a process where top layer skin cells are removed using a fine wire brush
-    Intense Pulse Treatment (IPL) which involves using intense light pulses  to destroy skin cells
What skincare products are best to use?
All the listed ingredients are beneficial and safe for treating of uneven skin tone:
-hydroquinone (this is the number one substance used in treating of hyperpigmentation)
-Tretinoin, Arbutin,Retinol, Niacinamide,Liquorice root extracts, kojic acid and AHA (such mandelic acid from almonds) are all beneficial
Others include cucumber,calcium, soy milk, mandelic acid, azelaic acid (from wheat and barley)
The final word
-    The treatment of uneven skin tone can take time sometimes months or even years. There are no overnight cures. Be patient. The good news is that treatment is quite safe if instructions are followed carefully.

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