Monday 29 August 2016

Know basic types of Mascara wand in a minute...

Here's super fast, super sharp list of basic types of mascara wand. Makeup pro's can break it down for you further but we have simplified it for the purpose of our urban beauty faithful (those normal people who want to look good and spend as little time and money as possible). The wand design is the major difference between one mascara and another.

1) Thick straight mascara wand - it makes the lashes thick (volume) and better for people with short , thin eye lashes

2) Thin straight mascara wand - better for people with full long lashes because it is able to cover (define) each lash extremely well

3) Curved mascara wand - it helps to give a lash curl without using an eye lash curler

If you want a more defined list just click here and here

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